Four easy steps to prepare for your Interview with

Four easy steps to prepare for your Interview with

Practicing before a big interview can give you an edge and prepare you well to land that job. Good news! We’ve rolled out a couple of features that would make practicing for that position a breeze. Keep reading to know what they are.

Follow 4 Easy steps to perfectly prepare your video interview:

The First step: pick practice interview type

We have prepared a wide range of practice interviews. You can choose the difficulty level in order for you to prepare well for questions that are meant for higher positions, the language, and the question category.

If you don’t know which category will suit you, you can also use general categories and take a “Top 5-10-15 interview questions” practice interview.

The Second step: record practice interview

During the recording, you will not only be able to practice answering topical and popular questions but also learn the platform interface.

The Third step: watch and analyze playback

Look at your video carefully, think about how you can improve your performance. You can re-record the interview several times.

The fourth step: request professional feedback

Get professional feedback from experienced HR specialists. You will receive  a lot of useful tips and tricks that will help you in the future online interviews and also in live dialogues with HR managers.