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Maximizing Efficiency as a Recruiter using Video Interview Platform

Maximizing Efficiency as a Recruiter using Video Interview Platform

Managing time: how to work effectively with video interviewed candidates and applications


Recruiting top talent can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and strategies, it can become a breeze. video interview platform offers recruiters a powerful way to streamline their hiring process. In this article, we will explore how recruiters can effectively plan their day using this platform and ensure they don’t miss out on potential candidates.


  1. Prioritize checking new responses:

When starting your day, make it a priority to check new video interview responses first. The platform allows you to switch between questions and speed up the video, enabling you to quickly review new interviews. To optimize your time, consider watching the answers to the most important questions first.

  1. Set up new interviews:

After reviewing the responses, it is beneficial to assign new videos and interviews. This helps in organizing and categorizing candidates based on their qualifications and potential fit. By assigning new interviews promptly, you ensure a seamless hiring process.

  1. Allocate dedicated periods for video review:

To avoid missing important details, dedicate specific periods of time during the day for video review. During these periods, refrain from distractions and focus solely on watching the interviews. This focused approach helps in thorough candidate evaluation and reduces the chances of overlooking essential attributes.

  1. Highlight promising candidates:

As you review the videos, identify and highlight candidates who display promising qualities. platform allows you to share links to interview videos, making it effortless to collaborate with interested colleagues. By sharing these videos, you provide valuable insights and expedite the decision-making process.

  1. Invite new candidates at the end of the day:

To end the workday on a productive note, start inviting new candidates to participate in video interviews. With platform, you can seamlessly send invitations, enabling prospective candidates to showcase their skills and qualifications. This approach sets the stage for a productive next day.


By effectively utilizing video interview platform, recruiters can optimize their daily workflow and improve their hiring outcomes. Prioritizing new responses, assigning interviews, allocating dedicated video review periods, highlighting promising candidates, and concluding the day with inviting new candidates are key strategies to enhance efficiency. Incorporating these recommendations into your daily routine will undoubtedly elevate your recruiting game.


Employment trends that won’t continue in 2017

Employment trends that won’t continue in 2017

1.    The trend of increasing job openings in Leisure and Hospitality will level out.

There are several factors to consider. I don’t believe we will see a decrease in the number of establishments that would be caused by poor economic conditions. I do however anticipate the repeal of Obamacare that may cause the part-time opening to turn into full-time employees, thus 2-3 openings become a job. Also, it is likely that the Fair Labor Standards Act will be overturned as well allowing for more hours to be put in by Salaried employees and less need to hire part-timers to avoid paying more overtime wages.

2.    The number of contract (gig) workers will decrease. 

A couple of factors may affect this trend. The first may be an increase in the level of complexity of hiring foreign workers under the Trump administration even in contract positions. New legislation that will include tax advantages to hire full-time workers will make it more attractive to bring these workers on full time.

3.    The stagnation in the number of open positions in healthcare will end.

Increasing numbers of baby boomers needing care will allow more positions available in all areas of Healthcare as well as anticipation in the repeal of Obamacare that has disrupted budgets nationwide.

4.    The downturn in energy positions will end.

I don’t anticipate this being caused by increasing oil prices. I don’t see the price of oil to rise over $60 a barrel for some time. I see a leveling off of oil between $50-$55 over the next three months enabling confidence that we have some sustainability at those price levels. This as well as the easing of environmental laws, will enable more exploration and drilling to take place in the coming year.