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How to improve response rate to online interviews

How to improve response rate to online interviews

With the rise of on-demand video interviews, the global job market has seen a drastic shift over the last year. We continue to witness a trend that reemphasizes the need for a flexible, convenient, and entirely virtual hiring process. However, companies and hiring managers reaching out to potential candidates are failing to yield a strong response rate from the candidates.

Amidst a year full of uncertainty in the job market, the woefully low response rate to online interviews goes on to show that companies need to do a lot more than being generic when it comes to attracting the best talent.

We can narrow down the impact to these key factors –

  • Irrelevant approach

Hiring managers push out emails with poorly constructed copy and job description. Most descriptions don’t fit into the candidate’s core competencies and can’t stand out in a sea of hiring notifications.

  • Extremely long interview process

If a candidate has to jump the hoops for the hundredth time to reach the final round, they’re more likely to give up midway. Extremely drawn-out job interviews do not add value to the jobs and they discourage potential candidates to show off their skills. Lengthy procedure is not the ideal way to judge perseverance.

  • What employers should do

As employers, hiring managers need to flesh out a clear and engaging hiring process. Two main ways can improve the response rate of candidates.

  • Tweak the job description

It all starts with the job description itself. The JD should contain as many details as possible without sounding inappropriate. The primary work and deliverables need to be explained clearly along with the benefits that come with the specific role. Jobs with competitive pay based on a location yield more responses than the salaries that can’t justify the workload. Employers should also clearly mention the status of the job. If a job is remote instead of on-site, you’re bound to attract a lot more responses. 

Hiring managers can include a video to introduce the team, the company culture, and the project. Visual content tends to attract a lot more interest.

  • Engage the candidates

Engaging the potential candidate with actionable steps can lead to a better response rate. Make sure you clearly explain the date, time, and steps involving the interview. Having a clear idea of how to go about the interview gives candidates the confidence to reply. Ending the mail with a proper CTA shows that you’re eager and looking forward to discussing the project with the candidate.

How improves response rate was built as a platform that simplifies the talent acquisition process and empowers the hiring managers and candidates to put their best foot forward in an interview. It also improves the response rate to online interviews with carefully curated strategies.

Practice interview offers an intuitive tool in the form of practice interviews. Candidates can finally look at themselves from the eyes of the HRs and fine-tune their facial expressions, postures, and delivery. With the flexible practice sessions, candidates can dive deep into their respective fields and improve their interview skills. 

The interviews can be shared with friends, families and professionals to collect second opinions as well. As a result, candidates don’t just feel confident in their craft during an interview but also comfortable in their skin.

Active professionals

Gathering reviews from close quarters may not always be objectively viable. Professionals at are specialized in handling these sorts of queries from candidates. When in doubt, candidates can always look to an expert and receive detailed feedback on their interview skills.

Multiple channels of communication

We receive hundreds of emails and notifications from various quarters each day. Amidst the clutter, it becomes hard to keep track of the important updates like job interviews. That’s why employers should leverage multiple channels of communication to reach the candidates. Employers can activate SMS notifications along with email updates on This way, candidates can be constantly in the loop, and the response rate to online interviews increases with time.

Curated videos for employers

Visual content instantly hooks people in and job applicants are no different. A well-thought-out welcome video can ease the nerves and create a good impression of the company in the minds of the candidates. They feel more welcome and feel a connection with the company culture and its goals. offers the option to add unique video content to job interviews. If a company doesn’t want to create a new video, there’s always a default video for them to take advantage of. 

Regardless to say, an engaging welcome video pushes the response rate upwards and a solid thank you video can lead them to provide feedback on the entire process.