Streamline your hiring process with video interviews on

Streamline your hiring process with video interviews on

In today’s competitive job market, finding the right candidates for your customer support team can be a daunting task. However, with the help of video interviews on the platform, you can successfully streamline your hiring process and attract top talent. This article will guide you through the stages of effectively selecting support staff using video interviews, highlighting the convenience and cost-effectiveness of this approach.

The first step in the process is to publish your job post on the website and create a set of interview questions. Fortunately, the platform offers a user-friendly library of question sets that you can utilize free of charge. This feature saves time and ensures that you ask relevant questions tailored to the specific requirements of the customer support role.

After receiving applications, it’s time to review resumes and shortlist the most promising candidates. allows you to seamlessly invite these candidates for video interviews, eliminating the need for scheduling conflicts or geographical limitations. This step enables you to assess candidates’ communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall suitability for the role.

Once the video interviews are completed, you can conveniently review them at your own pace. The platform allows you to share interview recordings with your colleagues, facilitating collective decision-making. By involving multiple perspectives, you enhance the chances of making an informed hiring choice based on a comprehensive evaluation of each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses.

After identifying the ideal candidate, the final step involves extending a job offer through the platform. This streamlined process ensures that all communication regarding the employment offer remains centralized and easily accessible. Additionally, the platform offers secure document sharing features, allowing you to exchange employment contracts and other necessary paperwork efficiently.

By leveraging video interviews on the platform, you can revolutionize your customer support team’s recruitment process. Conducting remote interviews saves time, eliminates geographical barriers, and reduces recruitment costs. The platform’s low subscription fee makes it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. Embrace this innovative approach to hiring and discover the benefits of a streamlined and efficient recruitment process for your customer support team.

Maximizing Efficiency as a Recruiter using Video Interview Platform

Maximizing Efficiency as a Recruiter using Video Interview Platform

Managing time: how to work effectively with video interviewed candidates and applications


Recruiting top talent can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and strategies, it can become a breeze. video interview platform offers recruiters a powerful way to streamline their hiring process. In this article, we will explore how recruiters can effectively plan their day using this platform and ensure they don’t miss out on potential candidates.


  1. Prioritize checking new responses:

When starting your day, make it a priority to check new video interview responses first. The platform allows you to switch between questions and speed up the video, enabling you to quickly review new interviews. To optimize your time, consider watching the answers to the most important questions first.

  1. Set up new interviews:

After reviewing the responses, it is beneficial to assign new videos and interviews. This helps in organizing and categorizing candidates based on their qualifications and potential fit. By assigning new interviews promptly, you ensure a seamless hiring process.

  1. Allocate dedicated periods for video review:

To avoid missing important details, dedicate specific periods of time during the day for video review. During these periods, refrain from distractions and focus solely on watching the interviews. This focused approach helps in thorough candidate evaluation and reduces the chances of overlooking essential attributes.

  1. Highlight promising candidates:

As you review the videos, identify and highlight candidates who display promising qualities. platform allows you to share links to interview videos, making it effortless to collaborate with interested colleagues. By sharing these videos, you provide valuable insights and expedite the decision-making process.

  1. Invite new candidates at the end of the day:

To end the workday on a productive note, start inviting new candidates to participate in video interviews. With platform, you can seamlessly send invitations, enabling prospective candidates to showcase their skills and qualifications. This approach sets the stage for a productive next day.


By effectively utilizing video interview platform, recruiters can optimize their daily workflow and improve their hiring outcomes. Prioritizing new responses, assigning interviews, allocating dedicated video review periods, highlighting promising candidates, and concluding the day with inviting new candidates are key strategies to enhance efficiency. Incorporating these recommendations into your daily routine will undoubtedly elevate your recruiting game.


We made it easy track candidates!

We made it easy track candidates!

We are happy to introduce our new automated Candidate Tracking flow!

The new candidate tracking system allows Hiring Managers and Recruiters to easily track job candidates from first contact  to the hiring stage.

The talent acquisition funnel comes with seven successive stages built-in. As the hiring team conducts interviews, scores the results and makes a hiring decision, candidates are automatically moved to the appropriate stage.

Candidate list

The informative candidate card widget makes it easy to compare applicants, view resumes, and video interviews. Convenient filters and sorting modes now also include the ability to view candidates by their interview stage. This allows to quickly find the desired candidate or figure out the next steps.

How emotional analysis accelerates candidate selection

How emotional analysis accelerates candidate selection

Six Ways Emotional Analysis Can Accelerate Candidate Selection

The advances that technology has made over the years have significantly changed how many fields, including the field of human resources, work. Companies are now hiring the right candidates using new methods, such as the use of emotional recognition technology applied to recorded interviews. You can tell which the strongest emotions of a candidate are during a video interview through the application of this new tool.

Keep reading to learn six ways in which emotional analysis can accelerate candidate selection.

Make Informed Decisions

The chances are that you have hundreds of skilled employees in your system working for you, but different tasks usually require specific personalities to handle them. Finding the right personality can be hard during an interview because it’s not always easy to tell the emotions of an interviewee. Fortunately, when you integrate emotional analysis technology into your video interview, it can help you identify the right person for the job.

For instance, if you have tasks that involve dealing with consumers in the field, you want a candidate who is empathic and positive. The emotional analysis tool can help you find this candidate within a shorter period. Making data-driven decisions can save you from working with unqualified people.

Emotional recognition technology is based on machine learning to make work more manageable. All you need to do is supply a video to it for the analysis to begin.

Find Employees Who Can Work in a Team

Many company tasks require employees to work as a team. However, some individuals prefer and are more productive when working alone. Emotional analysis can help you learn how a candidate would respond when they are asked to collaborate with others.

As a result, you will be able to narrow down your candidate list to those who value teamwork and this way, you can rest assured that the employees will respect each other’s ideas while working together. Research has shown that emotionally intelligent employees can result in better teamwork because they are aware of how their emotions affect other people and are good at communication.

Know Your Candidates Better

A candidate can walk into your office, read the atmosphere, and blend in seamlessly. This means that they can tell you what you want to hear and show you what you want to see. However, the emotional analysis tool can help you know your candidates better because emotions don’t lie.

It is essential to ask unexpected questions during the interview to get better results. For example, you can ask how they have ever handled a situation where they were unfairly criticized. This can help you analyse a candidate’s self-awareness and ability to bounce back after a hard time. Also, you can ask them to describe their busiest day of the week to gauge their stress tolerance.

Moreover, you can ask about how they have helped someone in need in the past to learn about how empathic they are. Therefore, you need to be strategic when writing down your interview questions because the questions should provoke the candidate to respond from an emotional place. A recruitment agency can help you come up with these as they can create specific questions that can bring up emotions related to your business field.

You should choose candidates with a high level of self-recognition. Those who know how to manoeuvre setbacks, and respond to situations calmly. However, the right emotions to look out for will depend on the job you are hiring for. An emotion that is considered vital in one field may be a weakness in another. Moreover, you need to take time analysing the results to select candidates who suit the job vacancy that you have open.

Get Unbiased Results

Emotional recognition tools are designed with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology that guarantees unbiased results. Various factors can lead to mistakes during physical interviews. For example, an employer may disqualify a potential candidate due to a simple mistake like showing signs of unhappiness. This may be due to physical discomfort or other problems, and not be a personality issue, but rather a temporary physical problem.

Fortunately, AI can read an interviewee’s real emotions, helping you make unbiased decisions. Also, it can allow you to note people who are acting by giving fake emotions during the interview.

Hence, emotional analysis can help many businesses avoid bad hires. A significant percentage of bad hires are usually convincing and charming during interviews. But once they start working, they show their true personalities. A bad hire can cost your business substantially, including your finances and reputation. Thus, if you can tell the genuine emotions of applicants, you will be able to choose candidates who deserve the position.

Additionally, “yes people” can tempt employers to make unbiased results. This is because they can agree with everything you say during an interview, and not offer a different opinion. However, they may not necessarily agree with your visions, but simply want a source of income, hence they do everything to impress you.

Selecting such a candidate is not fair because you may be leaving out someone with great ideas who can really benefit your company. The fact that emotional recognition systems can help employers avoid these mistakes is amazing.

Make Work Easier

Your HR team are possibly some of the busiest people in the company. In addition to the numerous tasks they are responsible for in day-to-day operations and personnel, they are also responsible for the entire interview process. Placing the vacancy ad, interviewing candidates and making a final decision. The interview process can be overwhelming because they have to sit down with hundreds of applicants to narrow it down to a few.

This process can be time-consuming and can take attention away from their other duties. Therefore, it’s important to find ways to make work more manageable for your HR team, and using an emotional analysis tool is one of them. This is because the tool will help HR personnel select candidates who have the required emotions at the video interview stage, and they will only need to physically meet a few candidates for second interviews. According to Vox, AI can not only save your HR department time, but also predict the right person for the job even more accurately than a human can.

Additionally, they don’t have to spend hours with a candidate trying to learn their personality because the tool will present all the needed information. However, you should ensure that your HR team goes through basic training to learn the best ways to use the tool to allow them to get to know their way around it quickly.

Keep Your Business Going

A recruitment process that takes a long time can delay your business operations, especially if you need to fill a position urgently. When the process is shortened through the use of emotional analysis, the new candidate can start working immediately, which means your business operations won’t be interrupted.

Furthermore, since you will know the strongest emotions of the candidates, your task allocation process will be quicker as you can tell the best duties for a particular employee. For example, candidates whose results showed they have a high-stress tolerance can handle more complex tasks.

Emotional analysis during candidate selection is gaining popularity as the years go by. Most employers are now opting to use advanced tools to learn more about the emotions of their applicants. According to the Financial Times, this helps to reduce the chances of making unbiased decisions and allows employers to get the best hires. Therefore, it is vital to allow your HR to recruit people using video interviews integrated with an emotional recognition tool

Four easy steps to prepare for your Interview with

Four easy steps to prepare for your Interview with

Practicing before a big interview can give you an edge and prepare you well to land that job. Good news! We’ve rolled out a couple of features that would make practicing for that position a breeze. Keep reading to know what they are.

Follow 4 Easy steps to perfectly prepare your video interview:

The First step: pick practice interview type

We have prepared a wide range of practice interviews. You can choose the difficulty level in order for you to prepare well for questions that are meant for higher positions, the language, and the question category.

If you don’t know which category will suit you, you can also use general categories and take a “Top 5-10-15 interview questions” practice interview.

The Second step: record practice interview

During the recording, you will not only be able to practice answering topical and popular questions but also learn the platform interface.

The Third step: watch and analyze playback

Look at your video carefully, think about how you can improve your performance. You can re-record the interview several times.

The fourth step: request professional feedback

Get professional feedback from experienced HR specialists. You will receive  a lot of useful tips and tricks that will help you in the future online interviews and also in live dialogues with HR managers.






How to improve response rate to online interviews

How to improve response rate to online interviews

With the rise of on-demand video interviews, the global job market has seen a drastic shift over the last year. We continue to witness a trend that reemphasizes the need for a flexible, convenient, and entirely virtual hiring process. However, companies and hiring managers reaching out to potential candidates are failing to yield a strong response rate from the candidates.

Amidst a year full of uncertainty in the job market, the woefully low response rate to online interviews goes on to show that companies need to do a lot more than being generic when it comes to attracting the best talent.

We can narrow down the impact to these key factors –

  • Irrelevant approach

Hiring managers push out emails with poorly constructed copy and job description. Most descriptions don’t fit into the candidate’s core competencies and can’t stand out in a sea of hiring notifications.

  • Extremely long interview process

If a candidate has to jump the hoops for the hundredth time to reach the final round, they’re more likely to give up midway. Extremely drawn-out job interviews do not add value to the jobs and they discourage potential candidates to show off their skills. Lengthy procedure is not the ideal way to judge perseverance.

  • What employers should do

As employers, hiring managers need to flesh out a clear and engaging hiring process. Two main ways can improve the response rate of candidates.

  • Tweak the job description

It all starts with the job description itself. The JD should contain as many details as possible without sounding inappropriate. The primary work and deliverables need to be explained clearly along with the benefits that come with the specific role. Jobs with competitive pay based on a location yield more responses than the salaries that can’t justify the workload. Employers should also clearly mention the status of the job. If a job is remote instead of on-site, you’re bound to attract a lot more responses. 

Hiring managers can include a video to introduce the team, the company culture, and the project. Visual content tends to attract a lot more interest.

  • Engage the candidates

Engaging the potential candidate with actionable steps can lead to a better response rate. Make sure you clearly explain the date, time, and steps involving the interview. Having a clear idea of how to go about the interview gives candidates the confidence to reply. Ending the mail with a proper CTA shows that you’re eager and looking forward to discussing the project with the candidate.

How improves response rate was built as a platform that simplifies the talent acquisition process and empowers the hiring managers and candidates to put their best foot forward in an interview. It also improves the response rate to online interviews with carefully curated strategies.

Practice interview offers an intuitive tool in the form of practice interviews. Candidates can finally look at themselves from the eyes of the HRs and fine-tune their facial expressions, postures, and delivery. With the flexible practice sessions, candidates can dive deep into their respective fields and improve their interview skills. 

The interviews can be shared with friends, families and professionals to collect second opinions as well. As a result, candidates don’t just feel confident in their craft during an interview but also comfortable in their skin.

Active professionals

Gathering reviews from close quarters may not always be objectively viable. Professionals at are specialized in handling these sorts of queries from candidates. When in doubt, candidates can always look to an expert and receive detailed feedback on their interview skills.

Multiple channels of communication

We receive hundreds of emails and notifications from various quarters each day. Amidst the clutter, it becomes hard to keep track of the important updates like job interviews. That’s why employers should leverage multiple channels of communication to reach the candidates. Employers can activate SMS notifications along with email updates on This way, candidates can be constantly in the loop, and the response rate to online interviews increases with time.

Curated videos for employers

Visual content instantly hooks people in and job applicants are no different. A well-thought-out welcome video can ease the nerves and create a good impression of the company in the minds of the candidates. They feel more welcome and feel a connection with the company culture and its goals. offers the option to add unique video content to job interviews. If a company doesn’t want to create a new video, there’s always a default video for them to take advantage of. 

Regardless to say, an engaging welcome video pushes the response rate upwards and a solid thank you video can lead them to provide feedback on the entire process.

How to reduce bias with video interviews

How to reduce bias with video interviews

In an ideal world, job interviews are expected to provide an even playing field for each candidate to make a case for themselves. But the world is far from being ideal. Despite best efforts from both sides, biases are quickly established in traditional interviews. These are a set of preconceived judgments that cloud the interviewer’s objective analysis. More often than not, interview bias works against applicants and takes the focus away from the core competencies. 

But with the rise of recorded video interviews, the bias can be significantly reduced. But to know the ways to mitigate the phenomenon, we have to understand what interview bias is, how it comes into existence and its impact on the hiring process.

What is interview bias?

The human element of job interviews can easily get influenced by external circumstances. This can stem from serious factors like race, ethnicity, and gender to temporary issues like bad network connection, unflattering atmosphere, and plain lack of communication channels. Hiring managers, despite going through objective hiring training, tend to form a biased opinion at the very onset and search for clues that legitimize their confirmation bias. 

The interview bias takes shape in various forms. It can be triggered by a pre-existing cultural notion, stereotypes, and personal similarity factors. Halo and horn bias are two crucial biases where one strong point overshadows all the other aspects of an applicant. Apart from these, there are also recency and conformity biases.  

The bias that sets in is rarely changeable in the latter part of the meeting. It ends up hurting the prospect of an applicant despite having the required qualification and skill set. As a result, companies settle at hiring from a much smaller, and homogenous talent pool which hurts the quality of their workforce. 

According to a Yale University study, scientists are not only open to hiring a male candidate over an equally qualified female candidate but also willing to pay an additional $4,000 for the male candidate.

How recorded interviews reduce bias?

It’s human nature to form perceptions and act on instincts. However, this tendency can well and truly hinder companies from accessing superior talents. Fortunately, recorded video interviews can provide some answers to this pertinent question in the corporate world. With the rise of video conferencing and virtual workforce, it only makes sense to leverage technology to minimize human errors.

Structured interviews

Organized video interview platforms like come with structured interviews for companies to use in their hiring process. In contrast to the traditional model of hiring, structured interviews offer the same set of questions and timeframe for all the candidates to exhibit their capabilities. Candidates can pick their preferred time and answer the questions from their comfort zone. This results in better quality of answers and lessens the burden of hiring companies in the absence of a manual process. Structured interviews reduce situational glitches and provide an unbiased and uniform system. These interviews are also recorded which brings us to the second point.

Less dependency on memory

Since the video interviews are recorded, they can be viewed later and cross-referenced multiple times. The recorded files can be shared with multiple departments within the company for opinions and collaboration. With, live and panel interviews can be conducted and recorded seamlessly. This reduces dependency on memory and negates the recency bias. Suffice to say, with recorded video interviews, companies can form a more informed take on a candidate’s future. This is a radical shift from insights-based judgment to data-driven decisions which are less flawed and more in line with the company’s end goals.

Auditing capability

Unlike traditional interviews that require collecting writing samples, features a system that collects feedback and allows to easily compare candidates based on scores. A certain level of automation helps in streamlining and shortening the hiring process. Companies can pull up ratings, scores, and comments to compare and contrast with others. The job performance of hired candidates can be correlated to the interview process and grades to further improve the process.



Benefits of remote video interviews

Benefits of remote video interviews

Remote video interviews have taken off in the past year. Companies and hiring managers are warming up to the benefits video interviews bring to the table. While traditional methods of hiring have their perks, it’s evident that remote video interviews streamline the entire hiring process. Here are a few reasons why remote video interviews are a thing of the present and the need of the future.

1.  Flexibility

A major part of the rise of remote video interviews is the flexibility they offer to both recruiters and applicants. Both parties can join the interview from virtually anywhere and anytime. All they need is a webcam, a digital screen with a microphone and internet. Two-way video interviews are more prevalent while one-way interviews are rising up the charts as they offer greater control over the interview terms and solve scheduling hassles. 

2. Resource conservation

Another benefit of remote video interviews is that they save resources. Unlike traditional interviews that require physical visits, remote interviews save real estate space, time taken to conduct the entire process, and of course, money.  

3. Reduced bias

Going virtual means a company can attract the best talents regardless of their location. This can introduce unconscious bias but it’s more uncommon than traditional hiring. With video interviews, the focus is more on the job, and applicants enjoy better opportunities to express themselves without fearing discrimination. 

5. Data-driven hiring process

Remote video interview platforms not only provide a seamless interview experience but also technology-based analytics. The data-driven reports are generated from refined systems that are a lot less error-prone and more focused on getting the right fit.

6. Better engagement

In comparison to phone interviews, face-to-face interaction brings a human touch to remote video interviews. This leads to better engagement as both parties feel comfortable knowing the other person’s perspective. Recognized as Best Video Interview Recruitment Tool! Recognized as Best Video Interview Recruitment Tool!

We are very pleased to share that has been selected in the Best Video Interview category by the GetApp Service!

Best Video Interview Platform

“The thing that stood out for me about was the innovative features. The two features that I found most interesting were Google Assistant integration and interview transcripts. Google Assistant integration makes it easy for applicants to find and apply for a job by simply saying: find EasyHire.

Whereas interview transcripts help recruiters source global talent by breaking the language barrier. When added to the other features offers, these capabilities make the hiring process easier for both recruiters and applicants.” – Bandita Awasthi GetApp Content Writer.

GetApp reviewers highlighted the following features in particular:

  • Well organized graphic user interface that makes it easy to set up questions
  • Prompt and supportive customer service
  • Panel interviews
  • Interview transcripts

At we believe that remote interviews are now an essential part of any successful recruitment strategy. Employers and recruiters gain significant advantage over their competition when they leverage video interviews.

Here are the typical benefits of video interviews:

  • Time and $ savings
  • Reduced bias
  • Data driven hiring decisions
  • Improved process and company image
  • Stress free candidate experience

As employers adapt to the new working conditions under the pandemic, is strategically positioned to offer its scalable, secure and best in class service to small, medium, as well as any recruiting team in a large enterprise. offers special pricing for small and medium sized businesses, with plans starting at just $20 monthly.

Now Launched: Live Video Panel Interviews!

Now Launched: Live Video Panel Interviews!

The team is very excited to launch Live Video Panel Interviews!

This feature has been on our roadmap for several years now. However with the shelter-in place conditions under COVID-19, we’ve seen an increased demand for this feature from employers.

Panel interviews are live interviews where a candidate is interviewed by multiple interviewers. Interview panel usually consists of the hiring manager, team lead, HR representative, and senior team members. The panel team may differ according to the organization’s type. Also, Panel interviews are often used for internal audits of the interview process and practices. allows conducting video Panel Interviews with up to 4 interviewers. Every interview panel member can add the question to the interview and leave grades and comments.

To invite interviewers click on the “Add Panel Members” button in the “Set up live interview” form. The interviewer can select panel interviewers from their team members.

Panel interview members will receive an interview confirmation e-mail after the candidate confirms the interview date and time. After the interview has been finished, all participants may view interview playback and submit a scorecard.

While On-Demand interviews is still the most common and efficient way to pre-screen a large number of candidates, for many types of jobs Panel interviews are an essential tool in getting to know how candidates perform under stressful conditions.

Try panel interviews and let us know your feedback!